Can Marijuana Help Treat Depression?

Some People May See Benefits, But It Isn't Guaranteed

Researcher Taking a Few Cannabis Buds for Scientific Experiment
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What is the most important information I should know about marijuana?

  • While some states have legalized marijuana, any marijuana product containing more than 0.3% THC is still illegal at the federal level.
  • There is not enough research to recommend marijuana as a treatment for depression; it carries several health risks, including addiction and worsening of depressive symptoms.

More than 30 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, and the territories of Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico legally allow for the medical use of marijuana. Much debate has ensued over which conditions should qualify patients for approved use.

While some believe marijuana can help with depression, there is not yet enough evidence to recommend using marijuana to treat depression. And using marijuana for this purpose comes with risks.

Research on the potential benefits of marijuana for depression is still in the early stages, and more in-depth evidence is needed. Depression and marijuana use often co-occur, but teasing apart their relationship with one another is a chicken-and-egg problem researchers have yet to solve.

Components of Marijuana

Marijuana is complex and contains hundreds of different active substances. Two of the central cannabinoid compounds in marijuana are THC and CBD. These may have differing effects on depression.

  • Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the psychoactive component of marijuana that gives the feeling of being high and is what makes the drug appealing for recreational use.
  • Cannabidiol (CBD) is the non-psychoactive component of the plant that contributes to its pharmacological actions without being involved in the high.

Both components of the drug are being studied for the treatment of depression.

Can Marijuana Help Depression?

A February 2015 study by researchers at the University of Buffalo's Research Institute on Addictions found that chemical compounds in the brain known as endocannabinoids, which are linked to feelings of overall well-being, activate the same receptors as many of the active compounds in marijuana.

In testing on rats, the researchers found that the production of endocannabinoids was lower in states of chronic stress than under normal conditions. They concluded that the chemicals in cannabis may be a useful treatment in restoring normal endocannabinoid function and alleviating symptoms of depression. But it's important to note that this research was done on animals, not humans.

A 2018 study found that smoking cannabis can significantly reduce self-reported levels of depression in the short term. Yet the researchers also found that repeated use didn't lead to any long-term reduction of symptoms and may even increase depression over time in some people.

Research on the medical use of cannabis and cannabis-derived products is still in the early stages. There is currently not enough evidence to recommend the use of marijuana for depression or other mental health conditions.

Health Risks of Marijuana Use

Although there is some evidence that marijuana may have antidepressant properties, there are also some important risks that need to be addressed when considering using the drug to treat depression.

Amotivational Syndrome

People who smoke large amounts of marijuana are found to have lower life satisfaction, more relationship problems, and decreased success at work/career.

There is a well-known phenomenon called "amotivational syndrome," in which people who regularly and heavily use cannabis become apathetic, socially withdrawn, and perform at a level of everyday functioning well below their capacity prior to their marijuana use. It's possible that this could mimic or worsen symptoms of depression.

Psychiatric Disorders

Some research indicates that people who use marijuana (especially regularly or heavily) are more likely to be diagnosed with depression than those who don't use the drug. However, research has failed to conclude that there is a causal relationship at play; it is not clear that depression directly results from marijuana use.

In some people with a predisposition to other mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, marijuana use may serve as a trigger for the disease's expression. There also is some research that shows that heavy use of marijuana in adolescence (particularly in teenage girls) can be a predictor of depression and anxiety later on in life.

Certain people are also at risk for the development of psychosis with the use of cannabis. People with substance-induced psychosis might have delusions, hallucinations, or both.


Mental Health Problems Associated with Cannabis Use

  • Depression
  • Anxiety/Panic
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Psychosis/Schizophrenia

Dependence and Addiction

One of the biggest concerns with using marijuana as a depression coping tool is that it can result in psychological dependence and addiction. It is estimated that about 30% of people who use marijuana will eventually become dependent on it, and the percentage rises in those who begin using marijuana before age 18.

People also experience withdrawal symptoms when they stop using marijuana. Symptoms can include anxiety, changes in appetite and sleep, irritability, and mood swings.

If people develop a marijuana addiction (cannabis use disorder), there are treatments available that can help. Marijuana addiction is typically treated with psychotherapy. Specific types that may be useful:

Researchers at the University at Buffalo have been experimenting with the extract cannabidiol to determine if it could offer mood-boosting benefits without the risk of drug dependency. However, further research is needed.

Immediate or Long-Term Health Risks

Using marijuana can cause uncomfortable physical symptoms, and is linked with long-term health outcomes.

  • Breathing problems (especially related to smoking or vaping)
  • Cardiovascular strain
  • Head rush or dizziness
  • High blood pressure
  • Impaired motor coordination
  • Increased heart rate
  • Increased risk of falling or fainting

There is also the potential for causing harm to a fetus's brain in pregnant women.

Other Treatments for Depression

While more research is needed to explore the therapeutic potential of marijuana, it is important to note that evidence-based, effective treatments for depression are available.

Each person is different. Psychotherapy and antidepressants are the first-line options when it comes to treating depression. Both may be used on their own but can often be even more effective when they are used together.

  • CBT is often described as the "gold standard" in terms of treatment. This approach helps people recognize and change the negative and distorted thoughts that can contribute to depressive symptoms.
  • Medications such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) and also commonly prescribed.

If you are experiencing symptoms of depression, talk to a healthcare provider or mental health professional. They can assess your symptoms, diagnose, and provide treatment recommendations.

If you or a loved one are struggling with depression, contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline at 1-800-662-4357 for information on support and treatment facilities in your area.

For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database.

Is There Less Patience For Proven Treatments?

Since the effects of marijuana are fast-acting, experts are also concerned that proven long-term behavior-based coping strategies and depression treatments, like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), may seem less helpful at first and may be less likely to be pursued despite their long-term value.

If you are experiencing symptoms of depression, you don't have to rely on cannabis alone, or at all. Talk to your doctor to see what the best treatment plan is for you.

11 Sources
Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  1. National Conference of State Legislatures. State medical marijuana laws.

  2. Haj-Dahmane S, Shen RY. Chronic stress impairs α1-adrenoceptor-induced endocannabinoid-dependent synaptic plasticity in the dorsal raphe nucleus. J Neurosci. 2014;34(44):14560-14570. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1310-14.2014

  3. Cuttler C, Spradlin A, Mclaughlin RJ. A naturalistic examination of the perceived effects of cannabis on negative affect. J Affect Disord. 2018;235:198-205. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2018.04.054

  4. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. Cannabis (marijuana) and cannabinoids: What you need to know.

  5. National Institute on Drug Abuse. Cannabis (marijuana) DrugFacts.

  6. Lac A, Luk JW. Testing the amotivational syndrome: Marijuana use longitudinally predicts lower self-efficacy even after controlling for demographics, personality, and alcohol and cigarette use. Prev Sci. 2018;19(2):117-126. doi:10.1007/s11121-017-0811-3

  7. National Institute on Drug Abuse. Cannabis (Marijuana) Research Report - Is marijuana addictive?

  8. Gobbi G, Atkin T, Zytynski T, et al. Association of cannabis use in adolescence and risk of depression, anxiety, and suicidality in young adulthood: A systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA Psychiatry. 2019;76(4):426-434. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2018.4500

  9. Sherman BJ, McRae-Clark AL. Treatment of cannabis use disorder: Current science and future outlookPharmacotherapy. 2016;36(5):511-535. doi:10.1002/phar.1747

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By Nancy Schimelpfening
Nancy Schimelpfening, MS is the administrator for the non-profit depression support group Depression Sanctuary. Nancy has a lifetime of experience with depression, experiencing firsthand how devastating this illness can be.